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POSTED BY in IBA, News & Articles, Safety

Coming in 2021: New IBASafe Program

Since launching the program in 2018 at BrewCon, Victual along with the 17 breweries have successfully identified 333 corrective actions over the past 24 months. For one brewery, we were even able to negotiate a 50% reduction in their workers compensation insurance premiums.  Real Results One example of the tangible results the program has delivered is through the use of…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Equipment, Human Resources, IBA, Legal Risk, Manual Handling, Production Risk, Risk Management, Safety

How Technology is Putting the ‘Pro’ in Proactive Manual Handling

Workplace injuries can happen any day of the year and with a 16% rise in legal proceedings resulting in convictions, it is crucial that businesses equip themselves with the necessary tools to minimise their risk, and the relevant armour to combat any road-bumps along the way. In our highly stressful and time-poor day-to-day, we tend to dive headfirst into tasks…

POSTED BY in Blog, Human Resources, Injury Management, News & Articles - TAGS , ,

One in Five: Mental Wellness in the Workplace

From 20 second hand-washing guidelines to dreaded slips, trips, and falls: when we think of safety, mental health is unlikely to be among our first concerns—however, when one in five workers are affected, why are we not being proactive about Mental Health? “It’s important that we’re proactive instead of reactive and work in a way that we can create systems…

POSTED BY in Blog, Product Recall - TAGS , , ,


Unleash the insights within! We want to hear from you. Victual has partnered with the Australian Institute of Food Science & Technology to create a better understanding of the current state of product recall preparedness in the Australian food and beverage industry. Not only will this help the future development of the AIFST Food Recall Workshop, it will also assist…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Risk Management

Insurance Banned for WHS Fines

The Work Health and Safety Amendment (Review) Bill 2020 (NSW) passed through the NSW Upper House on 4th June 2020 and was assented to (became law) on 10th June 2020. This Bill introduced a raft of new amendments to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) (WHS Act) and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW). One particularly significant change…

POSTED BY in Risk Management


A joint Four Corners investigation with The Age (In Melbourne) and Sydney Morning Herald has found the schemes in Victoria and NSW are facing significant financial troubles. The investigation has revealed concerns that an underpayment scandal at the country’s biggest provider, icare in NSW, could cost up to $80 million — double what had been originally reported and the State…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Covid

The risk of change in the COVID-19 era

As we come to term with our life now known as “the new normal” we acknowledge that many things have changed in a hurry. When change occurs fast, there is more chance for things to be missed, not thought through or just go wrong. Consider the reputational damage from the poorly thought through Krispy Kreme promotion, or the challenges of…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Contractor Safety, Covid

First Conviction for Industrial Manslaughter

Industrial manslaughter has been gradually introduced to safety legislation across various jurisdictions in recent years in response to high profile incidents such as the Dreamworld tragedy. The introduction of this offence in the legislation raises the bar significantly should an offence occur and a PCBU or an officer is found to be negligent and a death of a worker results….

POSTED BY in Covid, Crisis Management

Cyber Threat highlighted by recent attacks

Just when you think there are enough challenges for businesses at the moment, this week beverage giant Lion shutdown its IT systems causing delays to production and supply due to a targeted cyber-attack.  This follows closely on from similar attacks impacting Toll logistics, Bluescope Steel, and the NSW Government. This threat became very real for our own business recently due…

POSTED BY in Covid, Crisis Management

COVID Safe Plans… no longer a good idea, now a requirement

Scott Morrison recently announced the 3 step plan for relaxing isolation measures and re-opening the economy.  In most states, the first steps in enacting this plan have now been taken. Restricted opening of venues and staged return to schools has allowed many businesses to start thinking about the future. What is also clear in the COVIDSafe Australia Framework is the…