The only certified Food + Beverage HotWorks course on the market, designed to extinguish your increasing insurance premiums + be your perfect safety match.

The Importance Of Understanding The Risks Of Hot Work

With over 171 civilian injuries, 22 deaths and operational interruption of $946.8 million ($3.4 million per fire) directly caused by hot work fires (NFPA) every year in the US.


Approximately 30% of all fire loss are due to Hot Works and of that 30% approximately 80% are due to contractors.

A number of significant events in recent years have occurred in businesses as a result of hot work.  TheThomas Foods abattoir firein South Australia, January 2018 one that resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in losses with industry wide impacts to supply chains.

What would it be worth to your business if you had:

Competent staff and contractors that understand the risk of hot work and manage this hazard effectively

Reduced insurance premiums

Certified operators conducting a high risk task that has the potential to totally destroy your facility

You may be thinking that your business doesn’t do this type of work. If that’s the case then ask yourself whether you’ve ever had a contractor repair the air conditioning, install equipment, make modifications. Almost certainly hot work of some type would be required and this activity has the potential to destroy your facility if not managed effectively.

If a contractor comes to site and needs to drive a forklift, you expect them to be licensed. Why not the same for hot work?

Victual’s Solution

Victual has worked with Registered Training Organisation Sitetrain, to build a course specifically for Hot Work in the food and beverage industry. Created to upskill people in hazard analysis and permits, this training course is:

 –   Timing of the course is 6-8 hours depending on the number of trainees.

  –  Designed to be delivered on your site, or alternatively at training facilities in your nearest capital city.

 –   Optional delivery method to deliver component online (3 hours), with the practical component delivered at a later date.

–  Designed to provide you with an understanding of the risks involved with Hot Work activities and the processes required to prevent injuries and accidents in the workplace. Learn how to conduct hazard analysis, about the work permit system, about safely preparing the worksite, how to issue and close work permits, how to fire watch and learn from real life scenarios designed to make your workers more acutely aware of the risks.

The content utilises recognised sources such as AS1674:2007 Safety in Welding and Allied Processes and also global insurance industry requirements. We will use your permits and procedures and practical examples in the workplace, to make the training as effective and tangible as possible. The course will deliver the following units of competency:

 –  MSMWHS201 -Conduct hazard analysis

 –  MSMPER300 –Issue work permits

Prices starting from $500 per person, it’s an effective way to mitigate some of your Hot Works risk.

RTO No. 41466

Register For HotWorks

1 – 6 

$550 per attendee

This package is for groups of 6 or less

Please note there is a flat fee of $3300.

Pay Now

6 – 48

$550 per attendee

This package is for groups of 6 – 48 attendees.

Please note there is a maximum of 12 attendees each session. Attendance of 12 or more will  be dispersed over required days.

Pay Now

48 +

Corporate Rate *

For bookings larger than 48 please register below and one of our consultants will get in touch.

* indicates required