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Product Recall

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Crisis Management, Financial Risk, Food Safety, Inflation Risk, Insurance, Legal Risk, Product Recall, Production Risk, Reputation, Risk Management, Safety, Safety Management System, Strategic Risk - TAGS , , , , , ,

Important Changes to Food Safety Standards for Berries, Leafy Vegetables, and Melons

From 12 February 2025, three new standards aiming to reduce food safety risks in berries, leafy vegetables and melons will come into effect in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. These standards are: Background The initial proposal for these standard changes were made in January 2018, as it was recognised that there has been an increase in food safety…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Crisis Management, Financial Risk, Food Safety, Inflation Risk, Insurance, Legal Risk, Product Recall, Production Risk, Reputation, Risk Management, Safety, Safety Management System, Strategic Risk - TAGS , , , , , , ,

Case Study: Significant Savings through Workers Compensation Restructure

Many businesses fail to properly classify their operations for insurance purposes, resulting in missed opportunities to lower premiums. The complexities of grouping different activities can lead to inflated costs, but the right adjustments can make a substantial difference. Achieving significant savings through a workers’ compensation restructure can make a substantial difference for your business. By optimizing your coverage, you can…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Blog, Chain of Responsibility, Crisis Management, Dieases, Environment, Financial Risk, Food Safety, Injury Management, News & Articles, Product Recall, Production Risk, Reputation, Risk Management, Safety, Safety Management System, Supply Chain - TAGS , , , , , , , , , , ,

Product Recall – Can You Recall Your Plan?

What would your plan be if one of your products needed to be recalled? Everyone in the Food and Beverage industry acknowledges that a recall can be catastrophic for the brand and reputation of their organisation.  The aim of any recall is to stop the sale and distribution of a product as soon as possible. For businesses in the food and beverage industries,…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Blog, Crisis Management, Cyber risk, Financial Risk, Food Safety, Legal Risk, Product Recall, Production Risk, Reputation, Risk Management, Strategic Risk, Supply Chain - TAGS , , , , , , , ,

Creating Value Through Managing Your Risk

70% of organisations only evaluate their risk profile on an annual basis, limiting their ability to tailor their risk management plan and business strategy to mirror the ever-changing commercial landscape – EY  The guiding standard for risk management, ISO 31000, defines risk as the effect of uncertainty on objectives.  Whilst this framework can be helpful, in establishing the context, and identification…

POSTED BY in Product Recall - TAGS ,

How Prepared is the Australian Food Industry for Recall?

In 2017 Victual produced a survey on recall preparedness in the Australian Food Industry. We are currently working with AIFST (Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology) on an update on this survey and would appreciate a few minutes of your time to participate in this short survey. The survey is unanimous, however outcomes will be shared and this will…

POSTED BY in Blog, Product Recall - TAGS , , ,


Unleash the insights within! We want to hear from you. Victual has partnered with the Australian Institute of Food Science & Technology to create a better understanding of the current state of product recall preparedness in the Australian food and beverage industry. Not only will this help the future development of the AIFST Food Recall Workshop, it will also assist…

POSTED BY in Blog, Crisis Management, News & Articles, Product Recall, Reputation, Risk Management

Social media – friend or foe?

In this blog we introduce Bite Communications who are part of the Victual Recall Expert Panel, providing clients with support in PR and social media crisis response.     Social media allows your company to communicate directly with its customers like never before. Not only do you control the content; you can speak directly and immediately with customers and build...
POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Blog, Crisis Management, Financial Risk, Food Safety, Product Recall, Production Risk, Reputation, Risk Management

Do you need a Recall Partner?

If a recall were to happen tonight – would your company be ready to respond? No one is immune from a food safety crisis and its ripple effects on consumers, stakeholders and hard-earned reputations.  Most likely, you have been fortunate so far and the only recall you may have experienced is in a mock recall.  But, be prepared. How would...