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risk framework | Victual

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Blog, Chain of Responsibility, Crisis Management, Dieases, Environment, Financial Risk, Food Safety, Injury Management, News & Articles, Product Recall, Production Risk, Reputation, Risk Management, Safety, Safety Management System, Supply Chain - TAGS , , , , , , , , , , ,

Product Recall – Can You Recall Your Plan?

What would your plan be if one of your products needed to be recalled? Everyone in the Food and Beverage industry acknowledges that a recall can be catastrophic for the brand and reputation of their organisation.  The aim of any recall is to stop the sale and distribution of a product as soon as possible. For businesses in the food and beverage industries,…

POSTED BY in Blog, Financial Risk, Production Risk, Strategic Risk - TAGS , , ,

What the 7-Eleven scandal means for your organisation and your job security

We’ve all read about the huge scandal 7-Eleven recently faced after Fairfax Media and Four Corners blew the lid off a “half pay” scam being conducted by franchisees. Obviously, franchisees are forced to back pay the exploited staff, and fines have been imposed by Fairwork legislation, but what about the impact felt at the highest levels of the organisation? The…