The complexities of a recall event can have a wide-reaching impact on a business, as it can carry a potential loss of revenue, productivity, business relationships, and a long-term decline in the company’s public image. With these insights in mind, and the knowledge that recalls over the past ten years are increasing, we wondered just how prepared the Australian food…
This Swiss re study shows the increase in food related recalls in the US and the rising cost impact on affected companies
Tragic results emanating from an imported product. So what risk mitigation and audit measures do you have in place to prevent a similar incident happening to your business? Read the full article here.
A riveting read about the Nestle Maggi noodles scandal in India. The quote from the Nestle CEO says it all: ““We were right on factual arguments and yet so wrong on arguing. It’s not a matter of being right. It’s a matter of engaging the right way and finding a solution.” Read the full Fortune article here.
What would happen to your business, if you’re product recall claim was denied ? A cautionary note about an insured’s duty of disclosure, because the ramifications could be costly, even to the largest of organisations. Read the full article here