Consumers are becoming much more informed of the claims made by manufacturers regarding how natural or healthy their products are. The threat of class actions could take the exposure to another level. Read the NYTimes article on Quaker Oats here.
Is risk culture to blame or business trading conditions ? Either way, it is important to enable the correct values and behaviours within an organisation, to ensure your business is not compromised. Read the full Aus Food News article here.
With a complex ownership structure that raises questions regarding governance process, it is not a giant leap to start questioning the culture within Volkswagen that would ultimately lead to the emissions scandal. Read more here from the Ethical Boardroom….
The food safety crisis that hit the Chipotle restaurant chain in the US provides a stark reminder of the lasting implications of significant food safety issues. This article demonstrates the impact the incident had on share price, the legal ramifications, the impact on reputation and the increase in costs that resulted.
Criminals are getting more sophisticated in the tactics they’re utilising to defraud businesses. A scam where criminals impersonate the email accounts of Chief Executives was announced to have cost global businesses more than $US2 billion in little over two years according to the FBI. Recently, a client of ours was also caught out by this attack which cost them around…
By now I’m sure you have heard about the urgent national recall that was issued for pre-package lettuce and salad by Woolworths and Coles. Because of the sheer size of the retailers they’ve been able to easily navigate the recall of this product and have been on the front foot with the public. Now, not all businesses have the same…
We’ve all read about the huge scandal 7-Eleven recently faced after Fairfax Media and Four Corners blew the lid off a “half pay” scam being conducted by franchisees. Obviously, franchisees are forced to back pay the exploited staff, and fines have been imposed by Fairwork legislation, but what about the impact felt at the highest levels of the organisation? The…
Already the ACCC has received reports from suppliers that suggests some retailers are not having a great start when it comes to implementing the Code. Have you taken the necessary steps to insure yourself from the risk the code could poses to your business?
Here are a few million reasons why you need to care about the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct and how it will impact your relationship with retailers.
Recently, the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) released a report claiming the Food and Beverage industry is highly capable of managing their supply chain risk. Despite this statement by the AFGC, there is a serious possibility of complacency if we pat ourselves on the back with respect to supply chain risk. Ask yourself the following two questions: How good…