The Internet of Things (IoT) offers great opportunities for manufacturers to create efficiencies in their supply chain. But like any significant change, there are risks that need to be managed… Read the full article here
How well does the agricultural industry understand their obligations in relation to the Australian Consumer Law?
How well do you manage your obligations for Chain of Responsibility in your dealings with your logistics providers?
With upcoming changes to your Grocery Supply Agreements have you considered how you can navigate the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct to successfully negotiate your terms with the retailers? The ACCC has recently instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Woolworths limited. This is due to the retailer’s unconscionable conduct in dealing with its suppliers. Woolworth’s “Mind the Gap”…
Wonsoek Lee of Changshin International pleaded guilty of deliberately contravening Australia’s biosecurity requirements after illegally and knowingly importing dairy products into the country.
Recently, the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) released a report claiming the Food and Beverage industry is highly capable of managing their supply chain risk. Despite this statement by the AFGC, there is a serious possibility of complacency if we pat ourselves on the back with respect to supply chain risk. Ask yourself the following two questions: How good…
The recent Patties Foods frozen berries scandal is a stark warning for directors about supply-chain risks and the role they play in managing those risks.
The rapid, ever-evolving technological landscape can work in synthesis with traditional elements of the food supply in order to improve safety.
The practice unfolds largely the same across all industries: A larger, more established company swoops in to acquire a smaller, fast-growing company.
A Four Corners investigation that aired in early May revealed widespread exploitation of labour on Aussie farms and factories who supply some of our country’s major supermarkets. Some labour hire contractors are playing the middle-man between vulnerable migrant workers and food producers, paying these workers below their entitlements to win lucrative contracts. In some cases, this exploitation extends to slave-like…