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POSTED BY in Blog, Crisis Management, Reputation, Risk Management - TAGS

Dreamworld Are Mismanaging Their Crisis – But Is Your Business Any Better Prepared For Disaster?

Last month, four lives were cut tragically short in an accident on the Thunder River Rapids ride at the Dreamworld theme park. Since then, serious concerns have been raised about the actions of the board, particularly concerning their handling of the tragedy itself. Regular equipment breakdowns and an inexperienced employee left in charge have led to accusations the company didn’t…

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South Australian Blackouts Put Spotlight on Business Continuity Planning

With many businesses left counting the cost – likely to run into the billions – of the “once in a 50-year” storm, many businesses are now taking a second look at their business continuity planning. Following the blackout, many food and beverage companies were left scrambling, as freezers and chillers lost power and food started spoiling. Others, including many businesses…

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New Report Reveals Many Food & Beverage Companies Still Playing Catch-up on Corporate Governance

A recent report, commissioned by the Investor Responsibility Research Centre Institute[i], has revealed that many businesses are at risk due to a low level of understanding of threats at board level, and of food safety in particular. Although the report found that expertise was relatively common at management levels, there was a significant lack at board level, with “little food…

POSTED BY in Blog, Reputation, Risk Management, Strategic Risk - TAGS , , , ,

Missed opportunities in the Food and Beverage industry

Our podcast on adding value to your organisation using risk management: This month we were fortunate enough to be interviewed by Suzy Yates from The Podcast Agency. We’ve still got our regular monthly article full of insights but you can click the media file below for additional information on how you can leverage your risk management processes to add value to…