Consumers are becoming much more informed of the claims made by manufacturers regarding how natural or healthy their products are. The threat of class actions could take the exposure to another level. Read the NYTimes article on Quaker Oats here.
With a complex ownership structure that raises questions regarding governance process, it is not a giant leap to start questioning the culture within Volkswagen that would ultimately lead to the emissions scandal. Read more here from the Ethical Boardroom….
The food safety crisis that hit the Chipotle restaurant chain in the US provides a stark reminder of the lasting implications of significant food safety issues. This article demonstrates the impact the incident had on share price, the legal ramifications, the impact on reputation and the increase in costs that resulted.
How well do you manage your obligations for Chain of Responsibility in your dealings with your logistics providers?
The ACCC is at it again! This time with Cereal Partners Australia, the manufacturer and distributor of Uncle Tobys, for the alleged use of a combination of words and statements, enhanced on the box, with the intention of misleading consumers. It seems like the old cliche “always read the fine prints” still holds true – even when purchasing cereal. The…
The recent wage scandal at 7-Eleven stores has prompted businesses to keep a closer eye on compliance, and here are four reasons why.
We’ve all recently been shocked by the BHP Samarco disaster which saw 11 Brazillian villagers lose their lives, with 15 still reported as missing. This tragedy has rocked BHP, with Samarco’s publically traded bonds initially losing 50% of their value. So, what can the Food and Beverage industry take away from this crisis? People are always going to want answers…
The recent 7-Eleven scandal should be a case study on risk and brand awareness. 7-Eleven needs to stop attempting to separate their legal issues from their consumer activities – both are integrated and need to be carefully managed.
For many in the food and beverage industry, the critical Intellectual Property (IP), that provides a competitive edge is the sensitive information related to customers, in particular who they are and which pricing and supply conditions are in place. Protecting this critical information in a competitive market is critical. But, when key employees up and jump ship, it is notoriously hard…
The Peanut Corporation of America salmonella case has led to an unprecedented criminal sentencing of the former CEO, Stewart Parnell.
What lessons can be learnt in the wake of this scandal?