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Legal Risk

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Millions of reasons why you need to care about the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct

As we all know, major Grocery retailers across Australia have agreed to the voluntary Food and Grocery Code of Conduct, which ensures they adhere to certain standards of conduct whilst engaging with suppliers. As a supplier, this provides you with a valuable tool to engage and negotiate your terms and conditions with these powerful retailers. The catch? You must do…

POSTED BY in Blog, Financial Risk, Legal Risk, Supply Chain

Are you becoming complacent when it comes to supply chain risk management?

Recently, the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) released a report claiming the Food and Beverage industry is highly capable of managing their supply chain risk. Despite this statement by the AFGC, there is a serious possibility of complacency if we pat ourselves on the back with respect to supply chain risk. Ask yourself the following two questions: How good…