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Food Safety

POSTED BY in Blog, Financial Risk, Fire risk, Food Safety, Strategic Risk - TAGS , , , ,

Could your business withstand a product recall?

By now I’m sure you have heard about the urgent national recall that was issued for pre-package lettuce and salad by Woolworths and Coles. Because of the sheer size of the retailers they’ve been able to easily navigate the recall of this product and have been on the front foot with the public. Now, not all businesses have the same…

POSTED BY in Blog, Food Safety, Strategic Risk, Supply Chain - TAGS , , , , ,

Consumer pressure on retailers creates an opportunity for suppliers

With upcoming changes to your Grocery Supply Agreements have you considered how you can navigate the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct to successfully negotiate your terms with the retailers? The ACCC has recently instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Woolworths limited. This is due to the retailer’s unconscionable conduct in dealing with its suppliers. Woolworth’s “Mind the Gap”…

POSTED BY in Blog, Financial Risk, Food Safety, Global expansion, Legal Risk, Safety

Would a global expansion make or break your organisation?

With the mining boom all but over, commentators are hungry to seek the next driver for Australia’s growth. And with a fast growing middle class in Asia seeking more products for consumption, the Asian Food Bowl becomes an obvious source of potential. This Asian potential was reinforced with the 2014 trade mission by the Prime Minister and 600 or so of…