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David Goodall


POSTED BY in Food Safety, News & Articles

Chinese retailer introduces infant formula recall insurance

A Chinese insurer is capitalising on the consumer sentiment in China at present regarding the safety of infant milk formula. After a number of product safety scares and recalls of infant powdered milk formula in China, this insurer is offering the consumer compensation if a recall were to occur. The nature of this product, considered a staple rather than an optional purchase, could potentially support the take up rate of the insurance product.

POSTED BY in News & Articles, Safety

Council not liable for cyclist injury

A recent ruling in the Supreme Court of NSW has enforced the Civil Liability Act 2002 and declared that the risk of a cyclist’s wheel getting caught in the wooden planks of a bridge as an “obvious risk”. Details of the case can be read here. Interestingly, the court also admitted that the Council could rely upon their ignorance of the risk as the primary means of defence. The ruling was made in accordance with the legislation enacted by parliament, but at the same time Judges questioned the appropriateness of the legislation.