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POSTED BY in Cyber risk, News & Articles, Production Risk, Risk Management, Safety, Safety Management System, Supply Chain - TAGS , , , , , , , , ,

Understand Your Supply-Chain

How much do you understand your supply-chain? It sounds like a simple question, but it’s important to realise that a resilient supply chain can help you sidestep avoidable risks and grow your business. Only 22% of companies have a proactive supply chain network. (Logistics Bureau, 2020) Your supply chain is one of the most critical elements to running your business and disruption at…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Blog, Legal Risk, News & Articles, Reputation, Risk Management, Safety, Safety Management System - TAGS , , , , , , , ,

Keeping safe, mentally and physically in the workplace

Keeping safe, mentally and physically in the workplace  Are you across the new SafeWork code of practice? Designed to help manage psychosocial hazards at work, it is based around a set of key guide lines surrounding mental health injuries and traumatic incidents at work.   The new code was created to ensure workers aren’t exposed to potential risks to their health and safety, simply for…

POSTED BY in Blog, Crisis Management, Cyber risk, It Depencency, News & Articles, Risk Management, Safety, Safety Management System - TAGS , , , , , , ,

What is your vulnerability to cyber-attacks

Have you recently audited your cyber security risk? Should a targeted attack occur, how far reaching would the impacts of a cyber-attack ripple in your business?  The world’s largest meat processing company JBS, has recently been targeted by a cyber-attack, forcing it to temporarily shut operations in the US, Canada and it’s 47 sites in Australia. JBS paid a ransom of…

POSTED BY in IBA, News & Articles, Safety

Coming in 2021: New IBASafe Program

Since launching the program in 2018 at BrewCon, Victual along with the 17 breweries have successfully identified 333 corrective actions over the past 24 months. For one brewery, we were even able to negotiate a 50% reduction in their workers compensation insurance premiums.  Real Results One example of the tangible results the program has delivered is through the use of…

POSTED BY in Asset Risk, Equipment, Human Resources, IBA, Legal Risk, Manual Handling, Production Risk, Risk Management, Safety

How Technology is Putting the ‘Pro’ in Proactive Manual Handling

Workplace injuries can happen any day of the year and with a 16% rise in legal proceedings resulting in convictions, it is crucial that businesses equip themselves with the necessary tools to minimise their risk, and the relevant armour to combat any road-bumps along the way. In our highly stressful and time-poor day-to-day, we tend to dive headfirst into tasks…

POSTED BY in Covid, Dieases, Safety

A COVID-19 Risk Framework

The impacts of the coronavirus are only starting to be fully appreciated.  As we activate crisis plans those who haven’t prepared will be scrambling to determine where to start? This simple risk framework is intended to get you started… COVID-19 has been an outbreak felt globally, whether it be directly through illness or the restrictions placed on our everyday lives…

POSTED BY in Blog, Event Management, News & Articles, Safety - TAGS , , ,

How do you Manage your Event?

It’s that time of year where we all have our Christmas Parties to celebrate a long year. Whether it is your own event or a third party hosted event at your facility/venue, there is a duty to ensure everyone enjoys a successful and safe event, with no incidents which cause injury. It may be appropriate to develop a venue safety…

POSTED BY in Contractor Safety, News & Articles, Risk Management, Safety, Uncategorized - TAGS ,

Contractor Safety – One Team, One Dream!

Contractor management can be a very difficult area of your business to manage. Your WHS obligations aren’t absolved because you engaged the services of a contractor, as legally contractors are regarded as workers. Recent cases such as Refrigerator Contractor falls to death show how easily it can go wrong and the importance of effective controls being in place. A four-step…

POSTED BY in Blog, Risk Management, Safety - TAGS

Know For Sure, Before You Pour – Chemical Safety

While your business may not require large supplies or varieties of hazardous chemicals to function, all businesses will handle certain types of chemicals, examples include cleaners and sanitisers.  These materials can cause serious injury if workers are exposed to them and not immediately treated. Similarly, some flammable liquids may be stored in your facility for specific uses which can cause…

POSTED BY in Safety, Working at Heights - TAGS , , ,

Working Safely whilst at Heights

Between 2012 and 2015 more than 17,500 workers were injured after falling from a height in NSW workplaces. Twenty-five died and more than 200 were permanently disabled. Understanding the risks associated with the work to be conducted is important in knowing if a safer alternative is available and what is reasonably practicable? A fall hazard exists where there is potential to be…