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fgcc | Victual

POSTED BY in Blog, Strategic Risk - TAGS , , , , ,

How robust contract management can keep your money where it belongs

By now we’re all aware of the upcoming changes to our Grocery Services Agreements due to the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct. If you need a refresher read our previous article which covered the FGCC in detail. As you know, every organisation has a multitude of different types of contracts, some of which command more or less focus than…

POSTED BY in Blog, Food Safety, Strategic Risk, Supply Chain - TAGS , , , , ,

Consumer pressure on retailers creates an opportunity for suppliers

With upcoming changes to your Grocery Supply Agreements have you considered how you can navigate the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct to successfully negotiate your terms with the retailers? The ACCC has recently instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Woolworths limited. This is due to the retailer’s unconscionable conduct in dealing with its suppliers. Woolworth’s “Mind the Gap”…